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Galeon bookmark file encoding


What kind of mess is galeon doing with text encoding in its XBEL bookmark file?

I tried utf-8 and I tried latin1, the bookmark file is read but items
with accents and other special characters are displayed blank in the
bookmark menu and in the bookmark editor.

This might be a (bad!!) display problem (bad!!), but then there is
saving: when galeon writes bookmarks back to disk, all non-ascii7
characters are encoded with utf8 sequences represented by html escapes,
like à standing for à (latin1: à).  Also, the encoding
tag in the <?xml processing instruction line is gone.

I'm writing a program that manipulates Galeon's XBEL files, reading
them, changing them and saving them back, and I'd like to come out with
a strategy to be able to do it many times without corrupting the
existing data.  Is there some rationale on Galeon's actual behaviour, or
should I file some bug report somewhere?

I'm running galeon 1.2.5-1 in unstable.

Bye, Enrico

GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico@debian.org>

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