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Re: Modem Gateway

On July 24, 2002 04:37 am, Crispin Wellington wrote:
> Once you have your scripts in place, and starting and stopping the
> firewall works OK, 
I have only tried: start and restart not stop.

I copied the scripts directly from your email. 
I had a problem running the command
chmod a+x /ect/init.d/firewall
so I started up mc ( Midnight Commander ) and used that to
cd my way to /ect/init.d and ran chmod a+x firewall
that worked because Midnight Commander showed me the atributes changed.

same thing with /ect/firewall.conf

I tried running the script like this
Whatever-directory#/ect/init.d/firewall start
and like this
/ect/init.d# firewall start <enter>
bash: firewall: command not found

What happened? Is their a way to "debug" or step through the lines of a 
script to see at what point it does not work?

Does the first line of the file /ect/firewall.conf needs to have a:


because I added it to the script. 

Kind Regards
Dan Hunt

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