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Re: Japanese Input?

On Sun, 2002-07-14 at 22:21, ciber@celasmaya.edu.gt wrote:
> And now on to the next project.
> Just now a client walked into our Internat Cafe / Spanish School asking if any
> of the computers are setup for typing in Japanese. Which is good because I need
> someone who can actually type Japanese to test it out. I have installed the
> wnn-jserver and kinput2 packages kind of following the instructions at: 
> http://www.mozilla.org/quality/intl/kinput2/kinput2-inst.html
> I could not get the system to type funny caracters. Anyone have any experience
> setting up a multi-lingual system? We are running Debian/Woody Gnome1.4 with
> Galeon as the Web Browser. Basically we want to click an icon and be able to
> start typing Japanese caracters inside a webmail interface.

At first you need to add a locale to /etc/locale.gen that supports
japanese characters (e.g. ja_JP.UTF-8). (Don't forget to run locale-gen
after modifying that file) Of course you also need to install the
relevant fonts in order to display japanese characters.

Then, you usually need to set XMODIFIERS to "@im=kinput2" and at least
LC_CTYPE to a japanese locale *before* starting the application. You may
want to do this when starting the X server. You may also add
"*inputMethod: kinput2" to your X resources file - some applications are
also using this.

Some applications (such as mlterm) also allow you to change/set up that
information dynamically at run time (press Ctrl-MBtn-3 in mlterm).

If you started the application, you should press Shift+Space and a
window should popup stating that you now may input japanese characters.

Also have a look at http://www.suse.de/~mfabian/suse-cjk/suse-cjk.html
which is a very good guide for CJK support under linux IMHO.


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