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Help with diskless/report on attempted use.

I'm trying to setup a group of pc's here, to boot disklessly off the

Previously, I installed debian on a spare machine, and then copied that to
/tftpboot/(ip), and got the client pc to boot, and work, and all that.
Ran quite well.

Only problem is that won't work with multiple machines, if I have them all
sharing the same /etc, that will screw up machines that differ from each
other.  And if I do a whole / for each machine, that's 30x the work of
updating just one machine.

So I looked around, and found diskless.  After half an hour of fighting
with it, due to poor/incorrect documentation, I finally got the root
image setup.

monitor:/image# diskless-createbasetgz /tmp/crap woody
http://http.us.debian.org/debian /image/base.tgz

I then diskless-newimage, and set that up.

The documentation says to export the image directory as
read-write and then boot from it.

Um.  How is it going to boot, when etherboot requests

So anyways, I symlink that over to /image/root

Last line to come up on the screen after it boots is:

Mounting NFS-root directories...mount: failed, reason give by
server: Permission denied
/sbin/init: /etc/mtab: Permission denied
Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!

My comments on this:  It appears that you have to run the diskless-newhost
program, despite the documentation clearly neglecting to say that.  So
I'll run that right now.  50 pages of stuff scroll by.  Hit reset on the
client, to try booting again.  I'm using the diskless-image-secure file
Add in

/image/local/ (rw,no_root_squash)

while the machine boots.  Restart my nfs server.

Client boots, couple hundred pages of

tar: * Cannot mknod: No such file or directory

scroll by.

Ok, no big deal, the documentation has been proven to be wrong before.
It finally breaks off at.

Recovering nvi editor sessions... done.

And stops.  What next?  Apparently /var and /etc, and /proc are missing.
And /tmp as well.

Maybe when I get this all done, I can rewrite the documentation to
actually be useable.

Is diskless one of those broken packages holding up woody?

I'm now watching base2_2.tgz slowly download, so I can try this again
with a potato image.

Ditto.  Same problems.

Are there other packages that will do what I want?  To apt-get update on
the main machine, and have the changes needed to /etc and /var and all
that, to propogate down to the diverse workstations?


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