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Re: At peace with Debian (was: This is the last war...)

<quote who="Glen Lee Edwards">

> I spent the last week thinking about it.  I don't want the people I know
> to know that I use Debian.  I don't want them to try it, join the  Debian
> list, and then be subjected to the abuse that goes with being  part of
> the Debian crowd.  I've never met such an uncivilized and war  like group
> of people - barbarians, many of whom don't have the
> intelligence to attempt an answer to a question that's been posted, so
> instead they harshly attack the poster.

while i haven't followed the thread i think you won't be missed
either. some people have been on this list for years and get
the same stuff over and over. some people may just flip out
because they've had a bad day and have recieved one too many
html emails. I do not see how you can come to a public mailing
list and expect everyone to treat you with utter respect and
not say anything bad. thats not how it goes. welcome to the internet.

I don't see how anyone could set such expectations for a bunch
of people trying to help others in their spare time. some people
are nice, some are not. and some are usually nice, but
have bad days and post things they usually would not.

i've been on the list for about 3 years and must say a good
85-90% of the replies that i have seen to posters have been
genuine attempts to help the person asking the question.

from what i have seen over the years, the debian-user list has
a far better response:question ratio then other lists, and
an even better resolution:question ratio then most other
lists I have participated in.

i am proud to run debian, i have converted many people over
to debian, and i try to contribute back by converting
people and participating in this list(among others).

but if users are not going to put any effort into it then
they are best off not using it. save everyone bandwidth,
and time by going elsewhere.

which is fine.. debian is not for everyone just like redhat
isn't, or solaris, or MS win, or macos, or yellow cars,
or purple houses.

good luck with whatever you end up usin'

(debian user since ~9/1998)
(linux user since ~6/1996)

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