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Re: Possible Netscape / Mozilla bug

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for your informative reply, it clears up a lot of things for

> In particular, the scenario you suggest should fail at the point
> "user2" runs the "netscape" script with the DISPLAY set to a
> different target.  Unless that target display is misconfigured (or
> has been intentionally configured to trust "user2"), "user2" doesn't
> have authorization to connect to it, and nothing happens (except that
> "user2" gets some error messages).

I was hypothsising that the second target display had been
intentionally configured to trust user2, so the user2 has access to
both displays. (I encountered this in a computer science lab based on
Solaris a few years back: you could log into someone elses machine and
run xlock--hours of fun.  I have not seen it in Debian, which I credit
to kdm's initial X settings.)

Under these circumstances could user2 convince Mozilla to open a new
user1 Mozilla window on another display without user1 knowing?  It
would require that Mozilla be able to open windows on two different
displays at once.  I've done this with emacs, though in emacs it's
explicitly an option in the File menu.  Can Moz do it?  I'm not sure:
I'll try later and see.

Meanwhile, I'd best start working.

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