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Re: dselect in sid

On Thursday 11 July 2002 01:31 am, Roy Pluschke wrote:
> Hi,
> After a recent 'apt-get upgrade' on a sid system my dselect
> appears to be broken :( I get the following error message
> when attempting to do an update
>  unable to access method script `/usr/lib/dpkg/methods/disk/setup':
>  No such file or directory
> I do however have the following files on my system
> /usr/lib/dpkg/disk/setup
> /usr/lib/dpkg/floppy/setup
> /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/setup
> /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/setup
> Does anyone else have this problem ??
> If nobody else has this problem (ie. a fixed dselect is not going
> to happen that will fix this problem) where do I set the path that
> dselect uses to locate the setup files?

from the apt-get man page:

 	upgrade is used to install the newest  versions  of
              all packages currently installed on the system from
              the sources  enumerated  in  /etc/apt/sources.list.
              Packages  currently  installed  with  new  versions
              available are retrieved and upgraded; under no cir­
              cumstances   are   currently   installed   packages
              removed,  or   packages   not   already   installed
              retrieved  and installed. New versions of currently
              installed packages that cannot be upgraded  without
              changing the install status of another package will
              be left at their current version. An update must be
              performed first so that apt-get knows that new ver­
              sions of packages are available.

the last sentence above matters: you need to apt-get update before any 
upgrade. the more important point is the upgrade should not have removed 
anything without giving you proper notification. have you just upgraded to 
sid? if so, you should have first upgraded the apt and dpkg tools. it would 
probably aid the solution process if you could precisely describe the order 
of events that preceded getting that error. it sounds like a bug, but a bug 
in what?


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