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Re: Sudo was[Re: Emacs from Xterm]

Stephen Rueger wrote:
On Fri, Jul 05, 2002 at 01:32:39AM -0400, Travis Crump wrote:

All you have to do is add a line like:

YourUserId     ALL=(ALL) ALL

in the /etc/sudoers and you can use sudo to do everything that you
would do as root. /etc/sudoers should be edited using visudo.


including "sudo passwd root"... I have never understood how sudo isn't the biggest security risk ever invented. It seems like you really need to know what your doing(ie more than I know) to not give your user the wrong permissions. Can someone explain to me the benefits of sudo? Maybe reading this list has made me overly paranoid, but I have started doing everything that requires root on tty3...

The point in using sudo is that you can give limited root privileges to
an user or a group of users. So instead of using "ALL=(ALL) ALL" you can
put "YourUserID	 = (news) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/fetchnews" in /etc/suoers,
allowing that specified user to run fetchnews without being asked for a
password but nothing else, so no 'passwd root' or'cat /etc/shadow'. Pretty
nice, IMHO.


Stephen Rüger

But "YourUserID ALL=/bin/bash" would also let a user do anything he wants. How do I as someone pretty inexperienced know which commands are equivalent to that and which are safe?

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