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Re: Why aren't leafnode and noffle marked as conflicting packages?

Dan Jacobson writes:
> Why aren't leafnode and noffle marked as conflicting packages?

File a bug.

> OK, I suppose I will manually have to disconnect leafnode from the NNTP
> port and connect noffle.

Why not just shut down or remove the one you aren't using?

> I still haven't met an offline reader...

Leafnode and noffle aren't readers.  They are news servers.

> ...that can handle the simple idea that I want to post articles to a
> different server than where I read them.

The "server where you read them" is your local server: the thing you
persist in calling an "offline reader".  Leafnode is intended to be a
lightweight, easily configured news server.  Part of the price of this is
reduced flexibility.

> ...can't deal with getting group A from server X and group B from server
> Y if both A and B exist on both X and Y.

Cnews and INN certainly can.
John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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