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Re: permission for /dev/dsp

Actually, you didn't really need to change the rights to /dev/dsp.
And you probably shouldn't.

The easiest way to give users access to /dev/dsp is to add them to the
audio group, and then log out and log back in.

So as root:

adduser your_username audio

The you have to log back in as your_username and your_username should
have access to /dev/dsp.

Good luck.


>>>>> "umidori" == umidori kamome <kamomeumidori@yahoo.co.jp> writes:

    umidori> Hey Yo Hoh!  Due to the list's help I can now enjoy my
    umidori> movies with xine.  Thank you, but.... I had to change the
    umidori> rights of /dev/dsp to allow an ordinary user to access
    umidori> it. Is this save or not - is there a better solution?
    umidori> Well another possibility would, of course, be to start
    umidori> xine as root - I think this would be a lot worse, wouldnt
    umidori> it?!  (But I was just wondering - I read about it often
    umidori> enough but keep forgetting, since I hardly ever need it:
    umidori> how do I change the DISPLAY-setting, so an app started
    umidori> from a root-term under X will display the stuff on the
    umidori> user's desktop?)

    umidori> Well, hope this is easy to answer - thank you in advance

    umidori> cu kamome

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