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why nmap shows lots of filtered ports?


I've testing the vulnerability of my box on a basic ports level by
scanning it with nmap. 

when i scan from a remote machine, i get this:

(The 1508 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port       State       Service
1/tcp      filtered    tcpmux                  
7/tcp      filtered    echo                    
9/tcp      filtered    discard                 
11/tcp     filtered    systat                  
13/tcp     filtered    daytime                 
15/tcp     filtered    netstat                 
19/tcp     filtered    chargen                 
22/tcp     open        ssh                     
25/tcp     filtered    smtp                    
37/tcp     open        time                    
53/tcp     filtered    domain                  
80/tcp     open        http                    
87/tcp     filtered    priv-term-l             
98/tcp     filtered    linuxconf               
111/tcp    filtered    sunrpc                  
113/tcp    open        auth                    
137/tcp    filtered    netbios-ns              
138/tcp    filtered    netbios-dgm             
139/tcp    filtered    netbios-ssn             
445/tcp    filtered    microsoft-ds            
514/tcp    filtered    shell                   
515/tcp    filtered    printer                 
524/tcp    filtered    ncp                     
540/tcp    filtered    uucp                    
587/tcp    filtered    submission              
1024/tcp   open        kdm 

when i scan from the local machine, i get this:

(The 1546 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port       State       Service
9/tcp      open        discard                 
13/tcp     open        daytime                 
22/tcp     open        ssh                     
25/tcp     open        smtp                    
37/tcp     open        time                    
111/tcp    open        sunrpc                  
113/tcp    open        auth                    
1024/tcp   open        kdm  

does this mean theres some sort of firewall in place protecting my box?
just that the network admin people say there isn't....

and whats all that windows netbios stuff?? and whats kdm? i'm not
running kde...

and am i mad sending all this data to this list - ?



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