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RE: jigdo-easy /woody


Thanks the info.  Yes, jigdo-easy is indeed for windows.  I am running
potato and tried to install the jigdo deb and got a number of dependencies.
When I tried to install a couple of the packages apt-get claimed that it
didn't know about them; and I didn't want to make a hybrid installation - so
I tried jigdo easy instead.

If Woody is really only a few weeks away from release then I will probably
just wait and order the CD(s).


-----Original Message-----
From: andrej hocevar [mailto:ah@siol.net]
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 9:47 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: jigdo-easy /woody

On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 01:12:34PM +0200, jfcarvajal wrote:
> I have a problem when trying to download a woody iso image with
> It always says "oops! some file missed. First I followed the readme
> intructions but i had always the same message.

I don't know about jigdo-easy (I assume though, it's the Windows
version since your header says you posted your message from Outlook)
but I was successful with jigdo-lite under Linux.

That was a permanent connection yet not very fast, plus I had to
pause the download for, say, two weeks and then continue. If I
remember correctly, I got a similar error: some files failed to
download because the image got updated and they were simply
excluded. The solution was to get the new index file and pretend to
be downloading everything from scratch -- then at the beginning
you're prompted to give the path of a possible older version of the
same image to reuse common files. That's what I did, some files were
missing and got downloaded at once -- I think it was ten, maybe
twenty new packages. Really just a few megabytes. Everything else
was there already.

Good luck,

echo ${girl_name} > /etc/dumpdates

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