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Re: Debian: abandon ship?

>>"Noah" == Noah Meyerhans <noahm@debian.org> writes:

 Noah> On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 02:47:59PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 >> Indeed, the security team indicated that potato support would
 >> have to be dropped summarily when woody was released _unless_ changes
 >> were made (or a decision would have to be made to only support some
 >> arches, but not all, even from the mainstream ones). This was
 >> obviously unacceptable.

 Noah> Obviously unacceptable?  It's how stuff has been done in the past.  How
 Noah> long was it after potato's release that we dropped support for slink?
 Noah> IIRC it was little more than a month.

	I beg your pardon. I should have said I find it obviously
 unacceptable, and a number of people, users, develoers, etc, would
 have liked more than 30 days to upgrade or lose security fixes. The
 RM apparently agrees with me.

 I am the wandering glitch -- catch me if you can.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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