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Re: this post is not off-topic

you wrote:
Ivo Wever wrote:
> What happens when the amount of developers falls below the critical
> level?

That's certainly not the direction in which things are going. A few
people have left loudly, that's true, but there's also lots of new
blood, and plenty of experienced developers are sticking around for the
long term.
That's beautiful :)

On a related matter: if a number of developers were at odds with part
of the current policy, how would they be able to try and change the policy
regarding that issue (supposing that if the majority of developers, including
those with expertise regarding the subject concur, something would be

I ask this question because the decentralised structure of the project
obscures the decision proces and I think some people in this thread
might be complaining because they have limited insight in the decision
proces and hence feel they cannot exert any criticism through channels
with enough authority to seriously consider their ideas... something
humans in general dislike: feeling powerless. (I don't intend to discuss
whether their ideas are considered in a serious enough way or whether they
do have or should have control; I just want to note the effect of feeling
'without control').

I feel I've read enough of debian.org to know the answer, were it
clearly explained there.


Ivo Wever

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