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Re: this post is not off-topic

>>"David" == David Wright <ichbin@shadlen.org> writes:

 >> I certainly do not understand how you come to the conclusion that
 >> this  statement of mine is dishonest;

 David> I didn't mean that perjoratively, but I did mean it

	How can an accusation of dishonesty be anything _but_ pejorative?

 David> logically. There are two justifications for supporting many
 David> architectures on the table:
 David>     (1) We wanna.


 David>     (2) It's for the good of the users.


 David> (1) may well be true, but it's not exactly part of Debian's "marketing
 David> rhetoric" as embodied in the social contract.

	All if Debian is done just because we wanna. And, once we are
 doing this, we do put concern for the users as an goal (an abstract
 user, instead of any individual or group).  We do not say that we
 shall favour any group of users because of their number; we do not
 want to go the microsoft way. 

	Popularity does not figure in this. And if it is a matter of
 selecting between two sets of users, the discretion lies with those
 doing the work. People who work on porting are doing so of their own
 free will (I have not spent a second doing so, really, in the last
 year or so). People who do chose to work so can't be reassigned
 merely for the benefit of users on an architectyure that maintainer
 does not want to work on. 

	There is a similarity for the argument: My taxes pay for the
 gummint. So the gummint works for me. You work foir the gummint, so
 you work for me. So I order you, mr police man, not to write that
 ticket for speeding.

	What works collectively, in the abstract, does not work in the
 specific; and unlike an elected governement, in Debian people who are
 not part of the project really have no franchise. Even Debian
 leadership cannot tell a developer what to work on -- and that has
 ever been the case.

 David> (2) is just not true. 

	Was never meant to be.

 David> Now, if your justification is really only (1), then of course
 David> this arguement is irrelevent. 

	I am glad we concur.

 We question most of the mantras around here periodically, in case you
 hadn't noticed.  :-) Larry Wall in <199705101952.MAA00756@wall.org>
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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