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Re: Where to ask: Can procmail modify a header field? Add a header field?

On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 10:40:39PM -0400, Daniel Barclay wrote:
| Can procmail modify a message header field (e.g., prepend "spam:" to
| the subject field value)?  Can it add a header field?

Yes (more or less, at least).

| (The procmailrc manual page leaves quite a bit to be desired.)

It does.

| I can filter mail via .forward in my shell account on my ISP's machine, 
| and then download via POP using Netscape.  I'd like to use .procmail to
| detect suspected spam and then put something in the message header that
| I can use in Netscape (4.x) filters to filter the messages.

Install SpamAssassin.  Then use this as your first recipe :

 | spamassassin

It will filter all mail through SA, and SA will tag the spam messages
for you.  After it you can use

 * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

to stuff all flagged spam into the "caughtspam" folder.



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    When the customer has beaten upon you long enough, give him
what he asks for, instead of what he needs.  This is very strong
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