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Re: quoted-printable

On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 10:42:48AM +0200, Ernst-Magne Vindal wrote:
| Hi
| I am trying to remove the option "quoted-printable" in evolution
| mailclient,


| but I can't find where to set the option or confugure the
| client not to use it.
| Has anyone experienced the same?

No, there is no reason to disable proper encoding of messages.
Especially when you sign your mail, you want it to be encoded.


If Microsoft would build a car...
... Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You
would have to pull over to the side of the road, close all of the car
windows, shut it off, restart it, and reopen the windows before you
could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this.
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