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  I have one BIG problem! I hope that you can help me...
  Well, I have some machines with the rootfs totaly wrong. With so many
directories created in /, and symlinks in everywhere. I have establish a
standard for my aplications, and did install one Debian totaly standard!
compliant with the FHS. The question is: How can i fix the "wrong
machines"? How can i clean up my rootfs, change the symlinks to fit my
needs and etc??? I know that this is a hard job, and there are not
formula... but i don't know how can i start! :) Do you know about
scripts that would help me to find the problems in my machines? Or tell
me some find commands to "looking for links", "looking for reference to
this links in scripts or files"???
  My rootfs should have twenty or more directories... :) and more links
to another twenty...

  I need fix it because i had configured one NFS server to boot my
servers as diskless servers. I have now nine servers running fine. But
some servers have a "terrible filesystem"... Then i need correct it to
put this servers in a commun environment.

  I hope that you understand my english.... 

thesirbr                                      O Senhor do Brasil.

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