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Re: tomcat test

On Wed, May 22, 2002 at 11:43:12AM +0200, Francois Chenais wrote:
| Okay, 
| 	In fact, I would like testing the installation before using
| 	my own application. I know that jserv has default testing servlets
| 	and I wooder if tomcat does the same.

IIRC it does.

| 	I've looked for it on apache/tomcat conf files but found nothing.
| 	httpd.conf includes  /var/lib/tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf but this file is
| 	empty :-|
| 	So I'll look for more infos on tomcat web site.

Start tomcat (/etc/init.d/tomcat start, I think).  Then try "ps -A |
grep tom" to see if it is running (hasn't crashed or terminated).
Then (as root) try "netstat -anp | grep tom" to see which port it is
listening on.  Then try browsing that port with an HTTP client of some
sort (telnet, links, galeon, whatever).


Yes, Java is so bulletproofed that to a C programmer it feels like being in a
straightjacket, but it's a really comfy and warm straightjacket, and the world
would be a safer place if everyone was straightjacketed most of the time.
                                                      -- Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes
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