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RE: make is really slow!

On 17-May-2002 Michael Lee (TOR) wrote:
> Whew!
> I just got back from the data centre. As I was getting ready to boot into
> the old kernel, something that Craig Dickson pointed out struck me:  check
> the DMA settings. Well i rebooted and went into my BIOS settings. There was
> this weird option (with no descriptions) that said, "Load Optimal Settings
> for fastest performance". So I chose it, then looked to see what it did. I
> didn't see anything blatant. BUT, I did notice that my U-DMA setting wasn't
> enabled. So I enabled it, booted (with my new kernel) and everything's cool.
> So in the end (as usual) the error was:  user too close to equipment.
> (Boy, I'm dumb).

Stupidity is not learning from your mistakes, you were just suffering from a
case of ignorance.  Happily ignorance can be cured (-:

Look at the bright side, you learned something today you didn't know yesterday.

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