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Re: What about Woody?

On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 10:55:30PM +0100, Matthew Sackman wrote:
> I suspect that the very last NMUs are going up, the images are being
> readied and press-statements released: I would expect within the next 3
> days.

What makes you say all this?  On 5/1 or so, AJT announced that woody was
all set, and that the only thing holding up the release was the lack of
a build infrastructure for the security team.  There has since been no
public announcement regarding the status of such an infrastructure.  It
may well take them some time to get the new system up and running.

Unfortunately, this problem didn't receive widespread attention until it
was too late to get it addressed in time for the release.  Part of this
actually my fault, as I was previously tasked with implementing such a
build infrastructure.  However, my efforts met with some tough
resistance by certain members of the sysadmin team who didn't like a
particular component of the software that the security team was used to
using to create builds.  But nobody was willing to provide a
replacement, and I didn't have time to create one myself, and this issue
got ignored for far too long.


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