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dpkg-reconfigure won't ask me about XXX?

So, on one of my systems I have sshd running but I can't get in using
RSA keys (I need ssh protocol version 1 support).

So I changed sshd.conf from "Protocols 2" to "Protocols 1,2", now when I
start sshd it says "Disabling protocol version 1. Could not load host

So, I thought I would dpkg-reconfigure ssh, which I did, but got the
same error.

Using debconf-show ssh I see this:

  ssh/protocol2_only: true

I think (from poking around) that this is keeping the reconfigure from
creating the right host keys (or something).  I can see in the postinst
script where they're supposed to be created.

The thing is, dpkg-reconfigure doesn't ask me about this
"protocol2_only" parameter.  I've tried all the different options to
dpkg-reconfigure, but it just doesn't ask me.

How can I change the settings for this configuration value, and why
doesn't dpkg-reconfigure ask me about it?


 Paul D. Smith <pausmith@nortelnetworks.com> HASMAT--HA Software Mthds & Tools
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

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