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Woody: apt mysteriously wants to pull in 100 MB from sid. Why?


I'm running woody.

For as lon as I remember I had this setup:

*** Both woody and sid (by name) deb-lines in 	/etc/apt/sources.list

*** /etc/apt/preferences with this content:
	Pin: release a=woody
	Pin-Priority: 900

	Package: *
	Pin: release a=sid
	Pin-Priority: 600

With this setup I could run woody, but pull in stuff like Moz from sid
if I wanted to. Never had a prob.

But, a couple (2? 3?) days ago when I did "apt-get upgrade", suddenly
apt wants to pull > 100 MB from sid, even basic packages like libc6. I
have no idea why this is so, but suspect it may have something to with
the woody release process.

I've tried to rm /etc/apt/preferences, but this changes nothing. Of
course, if I comment out the deb lines for sid in sources.list, the
behavior stops, but this is no solution.

Any ideas? Thanks

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