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RE: SIOCADDRT : No such device

On Thu,  2 May 2002 19:36:00  
 dkotian3 wrote:
>>>What an ifconfig give you ? 
>> ifconfig eth0
> eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found

Can you also mail the output of cat /proc/interrupts.
I have a weird feeling that your eth0 will not be listed there,
>>>Did you compile it in the kernel ? 

> I did it, and boot with the new kernel.

> I have both 2.2.19 installed from CD and also 2.4.18 (source from

> kernel.org).

> When I do uname -a,  I can see the kernel.


>>>Did you configure your /etc/network/interfaces file ?


>When I boot it with 2.2.19, it is on network, when I boot it

>2.4.18, it is not on network. Probably some drivers is missing.


>Also, when I do make config, I select all default.

>How do I know, what card, I have.


>Procedure for upgrade , that was followed!! But cannot telnet to it, probably network card not recognized.

>1) unzip linunx-2.4.18.tar.gz 

>2) cd linux 

>3) make mrproper 

>4) make config 

>Selected default

>5) make dep clean bzImage 

>6) make modules modules_install 

>7) cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18 

>8) cp System.map /boot/System.map-2.4.18 

>9) setup /etc/lilo.conf for new entry in bootlist , 

>10) /sbin/lilo 

>11) reboot 


>How do I know, what network card I have and why doesn't 2.4.18

>kernel source pick it up automatically or is it the driver is

>not there and what driver should I installed


>Thanks and Regards




>Edi.Stojicevic@socgen.com wrote



>>Thanks ,

>>Could someone help in how to add network drivers for debian.

>>The network card seems to be  RTL8129.


>>Thanks and Regards





>What an ifconfig give you ? 

>Did you compile it in the kernel ? 

>Did you configure your /etc/network/interfaces file ?


>Give us more informations...




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