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Re: Wal-Mart PCs revisited

On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 08:37:15PM -0400, Shawn McMahon wrote:
| begin  alex quotation:
| > 
| > Most of the difficulties were with the winmodem.  Some could not get the
| IMHO, this shouldn't deter anybody.  This is a good enough price on
| these systems that you can pitch the winmodem in the trash (where it
| belongs) and throw on a real modem, and not miss the $10 you wasted.

Don't people have real modems left over from the ere before this
I'm-too-cheap-to-finish-building-this-hardware modems?  I managed to
end up with 4 (2 internal ISA, 2 external RS-232) such modems and have
never bought a modem (except for the on-board winmodem in a compaq
machine; never buy compaq).
| Or, better yet, mail the winmodem back to Wal-Mart, with a "thanks
| anyway, bought a Courier v.Everything external on eBay for $20 instead."

ROFL!  Just add a little video camera to the letter so you can see the
look on the person's face when they open it :-).



An anxious heart weighs a man down,
but a kind word cheers him up.
        Proverbs 12:25
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