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Re: docbook: xml -> (x)html conversion

Johann Spies <jspies@sun.ac.za> writes:
> I am learning docbook and try to build a html file from xml using a
> dtd from the package docbook-website.

docbook-website is pretty specialized; it's a DTD/stylesheet combo
designed pretty much exactly for building Web pages that look like,
say, http://www.docbook.org/.  If that's what you're trying to do,
great; otherwise, there's nothing wrong with using normal DocBook and
using DSSSL/XSLT stylesheets to produce HTML from it.

> The docbook-website package provides this "website.dtd" but I could
> find no .xsl file which could translate it to html.  Elements like
> informaltable and simplelist are not available.

Really?  I see /usr/share/sgml/docbook/custom/website/2.0b1/xsl just
fine on my machine (running sid, docbook-website 2.0b1-1).  The
README.Debian file points to
http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/website/example/, which has
enough information to get going.

(And no, don't ask why I'm drinking the XML cool-aid.  I really have
no idea.)

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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