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Re: emacs21 on potato..

add dependency on dpkg (>= 1.9.0) for new install-info.

> But trying to install I get dependency errors. Emacs21 depends on dpkg
>>=1.9.0 and potato comes with 1.6.15. I guess nothing in emacs21
> really depends on dpkg except for maybe the install/remove scripts?
> Then I thought, okay I'll port dpkg too. But it depends on even more
> packages I didn't have on my system for compiling, and I wasn't sure
> even if I compiled and tried to install it, dpkg would complain about
> some other dependencies and I'll had to port another package and so
> on. Then it would be easier to partly upgrade to woody. But I'm trying
> to avoid that, since it will upgrade a lot of packages and programs
> tend to get bigger and bigger and I want to preserve disk space and I
> don't need the newest on this old machine, except for .. emacs.

according to the changelog it needs the install-info command from the new dpkg
tree.  It also calls dpkg-statoverride in the postinst (or somewhere).

Perhaps you should mail the maintainer directly and ask for help.  BTW
package@packages.debian.org always reaches the maintainer so in this case
'emacs21@packages.debian.org' is an alias for the maintainer.

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