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Re: scripting

also sprach jeff <jmr71769@earthlink.net> [2002.04.14.2235 +0200]:
> for this example, i would like the output of 'dpkg -l' to be redirected
> to a file called dpkg.html. at the end of every package decription, i
> would like to add the <br> tag so it looks nice on the page.

dpkg -l | sed -e 's/$/<br>/' > dpkg.html

dpkg -l "pipes into" sed, that is, all that dpkg writes to stdout
appears at stdin of sed.

sed is a stream editor, and it's a classic example of a UNIX "filter".
such filters generally take in on stdin and write to stdout, modifying
the data as they flow by. in this example, sed is instructed to
execute the expression (-e) 's/$/<br>/', which is a replacement
instruction. check the sed manpage for more info, or get started on
perl. s/ basically says: replace everything between the first two
slashes by everything between the last two. you could just as well use
dots or anything else, e.g. s@$@<br>@, it's best to choose separators
that are not in the search or replacement pattern. so the above
replaces $ by <br>, which is not really correct actually. $ is
a marker for the end of a line. it's not replaced because the end of
line will simply be shifted so that "<br>" is inserted before.

anyway, sed writes to stdout almost the same that dpkg wrote to
stdout, except that sed inserted "<br>" at the end of each line. now
the '>' sign instructs the shell to connect sed's stdout with a file,
and the file is created and populated with sed's output.

makes sense? to get into scripting, i suggest you play around with
bash scripts and learn all the tools that come with UNIX, such as:
sed, tr, cut, grep, cat, tac, sort, uniq to name just a few. then you
might want to start looking at awk, or you might want to head for
perl, which is the ultimate scripting language.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
your eyes are weary from staring at the CRT. you feel sleepy. notice
how restful it is to watch the cursor blink. close your eyes. the
opinions stated above are yours. you cannot imagine why you ever felt

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