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On Sat, Apr 13, 2002 at 11:41:22PM +0100, Tom Playford wrote:
> Does anyone have any suggestions for a simple encrypted VPN. It's just a
> matter of linking two networks both with Internet visible Linux routers.

Freeswan (www.freeswan.org) is the way to go.  It is industrial
strength, standards compliant IPsec, and works very well.  I have been
using it for several months and have found it to be very reliable.  It
takes a little while to get used to it, as IPsec is fairly complex, but
once it's done you'll be very happy with it.

The freeswan stuff will hopefully be released as part of woody, but last
I knew there were still some bugs keeping it out.  In any case, the
files you can get from the upstream site work fine with Debian.


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