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Broken swap on potato, running 2.2.19 build


Swap is something i very rarely touch. I give it a partition, and it works
mostly. Hence why i'm getting stuck with swap that doesn't work itself.

dmesg on boot reports Swap space is added. Lovely.. get into the machine,
play about for a while, run 'top' and ..

Mem:   79300K av,  50836K used,  28464K free,  28656K shrd,  22980K buff
Swap: 127004K av,      0K used, 127004K free                 12532K cached

I realise that it'll use memory in preference, because it's quicker, but as
I understand it, swap should take over once the memory has reached a certain
amount of use. The box *has* run to 2mb free on memory, with no swap in use.

No amount of mkswap, swapoff and swapon will persuade it to work either.
Pleasepleaseplease, suggestions!

Many thanks in advance

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