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Outlook Express errors against uw-imap

Dear Deb's - I have been running mail services for a small community for
a few years now on my Debian box. It came from 2.0 and has moved quite a
few times both hardware and Debian revision. Currently on Woody.

One problem has moved along for such a long time that I hardly notice it
any more. It is this: If an Outlook Express client connects to my imap
daemon, it gives error messages of this type:

  Header download for the 'Inbox' folder did not complete. Your IMAP
  server has closed the connection. This may occur if you have left the
  connection idle for too long. Account: 'Dices', Server: '',
  Protocol: IMAP, Server Response: 'Lost mailbox lock', Port: 143,
  Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCCDD

It does not seem to matter if the connection is via the local LAN or
across the Internet. At first I assumed it had to do with my old and
slow hardware, but I am currently running on a nice PPro with enough
resources. Than I looked at the imap server, but that is current (Woody

Non of the other clients that connect exhibit these errors (Netscape,
Mozilla, Squirrelmail, Evolution). I was thinking that it might have to
doe with Exchange specific imap functions that OE is expecting...

Can anyone shed some light into this? I would be very pleased!

  Erik van der Meulen <e.van.der.meulen@avondel.nl>

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