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Re: Problem recognising floppy with debian

Crispin Wellington <crispin@aeonline.net> writes:

> On Fri, 2002-04-05 at 15:47, shane wrote:
> > G'day, I have just installed Debian on an old IBM 486SL so that I
> >can learn GNU/Linux for my university subject.
> > 
> > I have installed the OP successfully using just the A drive though
> >now that I am up and running, I can't access the A drive. (my only
> >source of communication with the outside world, on that computer...)
> > 
> > I believe I need to "mount" the floppy.


> > I have used -mount/floppy from the / dir also from /mnt
                ^     ^
    No dash here!     No space here

"From" where you issue the command doesn't matter as long as you give
the absolute path to the mount point. (on Debian usually /floppy) The
mount point must of course exist and be a directory. So if in doubt
mkdir /floppy

Further you need to have a line in your /etc/fstab similar to this:

/dev/fd0        /floppy auto	defaults,user,sync,nosuid,noauto 0 0

If both are there, "mount /floppy" should do the job.

BTW: It's often easier and faster to use the m-commands instead. They
are similar to the good old DOS commands just with an m prepended:

mdir a:
mcopy foo a:
mdeltree a:/dir


You need to have the package mtools installed for this.

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