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Re: To Debian experts

Its a stinker isn't it!  Happened to me and I spent ages trying this 
and that and failing.  My mistake was to think that dir was a 
directroy.  Its a file in the info directory that says 

" This is the file .../info/dir, which contains the topmost node of
the Info hierarchy.  The first time you invoke Info you start off
looking at that node, which is (dir)Top"

Rather than recreate it, copy it from another machine.  If it helps 
mine is attached.  It won't match your system perfectly but it didn't
match mine either when I copied it from another machine yet everything 
seems to work. That said, I _never_ use info as compared to Google its 
hard to find what you want.

On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 03:18:45PM +0400, FFF wrote:
>How can I fix this ?
>It happens after installing, in the middle of Textutils
>configuration sequence.
> 'Setting up Textutils (2.0-12) install-info: failed to lock dir for
>editing! No such file or directory dpkg: error processing Textutils
>(--configure) sub-process post-installation script returned error exit
>status 2 Errors encountered while processing: Textutils E:sub-process
>usrbin/dpkg returned error code 1 '
>I am a newbie to Debian, and I run out of choices I tried with dpkg
>--configure -a, apt-get -f install, dpkg --pending --configure, with
>no results. Please HELP !!!
>Regards, Rick
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-*- Text -*-
This is the file .../info/dir, which contains the topmost node of
the Info hierarchy.  The first time you invoke Info you start off
looking at that node, which is (dir)Top.

File: dir	Node: Top	This is the top of the INFO tree
  This (the Directory node) gives a menu of major topics.  Typing "d"
  returns here, "q" exits, "?" lists all INFO commands, "h"  gives a
  primer for first-timers, "mTexinfo<Return>" visits Texinfo topic,
  Or click mouse button 2 on a menu item or cross reference to select

In Debian GNU/Linux, Info `dir' entries are added with the command
`install-info'.  Please refer to install-info(8) for usage details.

* Menu: The list of major topics begins on the next line.

* Autoconf: (autoconf).    Create source code configuration scripts
* Autoconf2.13: (autoconf2.13). Create source code configuration scripts
* automake: (automake).    Making Makefile.in's
* Flex: (flex).            A fast scanner generator
* Gdb: (gdb).              The GNU debugger.
* Gdb-Internals: (gdbint). The GNU debugger's internals.
* iostream-295: (iostream-295). The C++ input/output facility (GCC 2.95.x).
* Ipc: (ipc).              System V interprocess communication facilities
* M4: (m4).                The GNU m4 macro preprocessor.
* Make: (make).            The GNU make utility.
* Stabs: (stabs).          The "stabs" debugging information format.

* Ispell: (ispell).        Using ISPELL, an interactive spelling corrector,
                             inside Emacs.

* Groff: (groff).          The GNU troff document formatting system.
* Rluserman: (rluserman).  GNU Readline Library API

* Menu: (menu).            The Debian menu system

Disk Management
* Fdutils: (fdutils).      Linux floppy utilities

GNU programming tools
* AutoGen: (autogen).      The Automated Program Generator

Net Utilities
* Wget: (wget).            The non-interactive network downloader.

General Commands
* A2ps: (a2ps).            The GNU a2ps 'anything to postscript' converter and
* Bzip2: (bzip2).          A program and library for data compression.
* Diff: (diff).            GNU diff and related utilities
* grep: (grep).            Print lines matching a pattern.
* Gzip: (gzip).            The gzip command for compressing files.
* Ogonkify: (ogonkify).    Adds composite characters to fonts and converts ps
* Remsync: (remsync).      Synchronize remote files
* Tar: (tar).              Making tape (or disk) archives.
* Shar utilities: (sharutils).          GNU shar utilities.
* shar: (sharutils)shar invocation.             Make a shell archive.
* unshar: (sharutils)unshar invocation.         Explode a shell archive.
* dc: (dc).                Arbritrary precision RPN "Desktop Calculator".
* Ed: (ed).                The `ed' command, which has the purpose of editing
                             text files.
* Finding Files: (find).   Listing and operating on files that match certain
* sed: (sed).              Stream EDitor.
* File utilities: (fileutils).  GNU file utilities.
* chgrp: (fileutils)chgrp invocation.           Change file groups.
* chown: (fileutils)chown invocation.           Change file owners/groups.
* chmod: (fileutils)chmod invocation.           Change file permissions.
* cp: (fileutils)cp invocation.                 Copy files.
* dd: (fileutils)dd invocation.                 Copy and convert a file.
* df: (fileutils)df invocation.                 Report filesystem disk usage.
* dir: (fileutils)dir invocation.               List directories briefly.
* dircolors: (fileutils)dircolors invocation.   Color setup for ls.
* du: (fileutils)du invocation.                 Report on disk usage.
* install: (fileutils)install invocation.       Copy and change attributes.
* ln: (fileutils)ln invocation.                 Make links between files.
* ls: (fileutils)ls invocation.                 List directory contents.
* mkdir: (fileutils)mkdir invocation.           Create directories.
* mkfifo: (fileutils)mkfifo invocation.         Create FIFOs (named pipes).
* mknod: (fileutils)mknod invocation.           Create special files.
* mv: (fileutils)mv invocation.                 Rename files.
* rm: (fileutils)rm invocation.                 Remove files.
* rmdir: (fileutils)rmdir invocation.           Remove empty directories.
* shred: (fileutils)shred invocation.           Remove files more securely.
* sync: (fileutils)sync invocation.             Synchronize memory and disk.
* touch: (fileutils)touch invocation.           Change file timestamps.
* vdir: (fileutils)vdir invocation.             List directories verbosely.
* Cpio: (cpio).            A program to manage archives of files.
* Time: (time).            A utility to time the execution of a command
* Shell utilities: (sh-utils).          GNU shell utilities.
* basename: (sh-utils)basename invocation.      Strip directory and suffix.
* chroot: (sh-utils)chroot invocation.          Specify the root directory.
* date: (sh-utils)date invocation.              Print/set system date and time.
* dirname: (sh-utils)dirname invocation.        Strip non-directory suffix.
* echo: (sh-utils)echo invocation.              Print a line of text.
* env: (sh-utils)env invocation.                Modify the environment.
* expr: (sh-utils)expr invocation.              Evaluate expressions.
* factor: (sh-utils)factor invocation.          Print prime factors
* false: (sh-utils)false invocation.            Do nothing, unsuccessfully.
* groups: (sh-utils)groups invocation.          Print group names a user is in.
* hostid: (sh-utils)hostid invocation.          Print numeric host identifier.
* hostname: (sh-utils)hostname invocation.      Print or set system name.
* id: (sh-utils)id invocation.                  Print real/effective uid/gid.
* logname: (sh-utils)logname invocation.        Print current login name.
* nice: (sh-utils)nice invocation.              Modify scheduling priority.
* nohup: (sh-utils)nohup invocation.            Immunize to hangups.
* pathchk: (sh-utils)pathchk invocation.        Check file name portability.
* printenv: (sh-utils)printenv invocation.      Print environment variables.
* printf: (sh-utils)printf invocation.          Format and print data.
* pwd: (sh-utils)pwd invocation.                Print working directory.
* seq: (sh-utils)seq invocation.                Print numeric sequences
* sleep: (sh-utils)sleep invocation.            Delay for a specified time.
* stty: (sh-utils)stty invocation.              Print/change terminal settings.
* su: (sh-utils)su invocation.                  Modify user and group id.
* tee: (sh-utils)tee invocation.                Redirect to multiple files.
* test: (sh-utils)test invocation.              File/string tests.
* true: (sh-utils)true invocation.              Do nothing, successfully.
* tty: (sh-utils)tty invocation.                Print terminal name.
* uname: (sh-utils)uname invocation.            Print system information.
* users: (sh-utils)users invocation.            Print current user names.
* who: (sh-utils)who invocation.                Print who is logged in.
* whoami: (sh-utils)whoami invocation.          Print effective user id.
* yes: (sh-utils)yes invocation.                Print a string indefinitely.
* Texinfo: (texinfo).           The GNU documentation format.
* install-info: (texinfo)Invoking install-info. Update info/dir entries.
* texi2dvi: (texinfo)Format with texi2dvi.      Print Texinfo documents.
* texindex: (texinfo)Format with tex/texindex.  Sort Texinfo index files.
* makeinfo: (texinfo)Invoking makeinfo.         Translate Texinfo source.
* Mtools: (mtools).        Mtools: utilities to access DOS disks in Unix.
* Text utilities: (textutils).          GNU text utilities.
* cat: (textutils)cat invocation.               Concatenate and write files.
* cksum: (textutils)cksum invocation.           Print POSIX CRC checksum.
* comm: (textutils)comm invocation.             Compare sorted files by line.
* csplit: (textutils)csplit invocation.         Split by context.
* cut: (textutils)cut invocation.               Print selected parts of lines.
* expand: (textutils)expand invocation.         Convert tabs to spaces.
* fmt: (textutils)fmt invocation.               Reformat paragraph text.
* fold: (textutils)fold invocation.             Wrap long input lines.
* head: (textutils)head invocation.             Output the first part of files.
* join: (textutils)join invocation.             Join lines on a common field.
* md5sum: (textutils)md5sum invocation.         Print or check message-digests.
* nl: (textutils)nl invocation.                 Number lines and write files.
* od: (textutils)od invocation.                 Dump files in octal, etc.
* paste: (textutils)paste invocation.           Merge lines of files.
* pr: (textutils)pr invocation.                 Paginate or columnate files.
* ptx: (textutils)ptx invocation.               Produce permuted indexes.
* sort: (textutils)sort invocation.             Sort text files.
* split: (textutils)split invocation.           Split into fixed-size pieces.
* sum: (textutils)sum invocation.               Print traditional checksum.
* tac: (textutils)tac invocation.               Reverse files.
* tail: (textutils)tail invocation.             Output the last part of files.
* tsort: (textutils)tsort invocation.           Topological sort.
* tr: (textutils)tr invocation.                 Translate characters.
* unexpand: (textutils)unexpand invocation.     Convert spaces to tabs.
* uniq: (textutils)uniq invocation.             Uniquify files.
* wc: (textutils)wc invocation.                 Byte, word, and line counts.
* bison: (bison).          GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement).
* info standalone: (info-stnd).            Read Info documents without Emacs.
* infokey: (info-stnd)Invoking infokey.    Compile Info customizations.
* Info: (info).            Documentation browsing system.

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