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Re: rc.local equivalent in Woody?

> This question comes up enough that a policy ought IMVAO be set for it.
> Viz:  any rc script named local-foo is considered local and sacrosanct
> by the system, where "-foo" could have any arbitrary value, including
> null (for the single instance of a local script).
> But this way I could, say, run four local webservers as
> local-apache-mydom0, local-apache-mydom1, local-apache-mydom2, and
> local-apache-mydom3, without worrying about how they're treated by
> Debian.
> I'll bounce this to the devel (or other) list if someone thinks this is
> a worthwhile suggestion.

well, this is practically guaranteed right now, unless some package named
'local' comes along and wants to be weird (-:

I would like to see this documented more clearly in as many obvious places as
possible though.

And yes, you should definately pester the devels.  Maybe mail the documentation
people as well.

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