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Re: slightly OT: making donation to debian using paypal or such.

also sprach Shri Shrikumar <shri@urbyte.com> [2002.03.18.2214 +0100]:
> just wondering if it was / would be possible to make donations to
> debian using Paypal or something like that making it a lot easier
> for people who are not US based to make donations.

no, not yet. i think that paypal was deemed to expensive and insecure
to be officially supported by debian. we're working on a scheme.

for now, if you would like to donate via paypal, you can send it to me
and i'll relay it for you. of course i'll have your donation confirmed
so that you'll know that your donation arrived and i didn't run off to
buy beer with it.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
si l'on sait exactement ca que l'on va faire,
a quoi bon le faire?
                                                      -- pablo picasso

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