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delete certain mail after exactly one delivery attempt

Hi folks,

how could I set up (exim|mail|whatever) to make exactly one delivery
attempt and delete (no confirmation, no mail to postmaster) for
certain special mails?

It's for my spam-autoreply. If the reply fails, I don't want to have
thousands of frozen mails sitting around or having them to delete
automatically. Also, not all messages which fail delivery shall be
deleted, so that normal mail, which fails stays either frozen
(auto_thaw) or gets another delivery attempt.

Thanks for any hints.

Tschoe,                http://gecius.de/gpg-key.txt - Fingerprint:
 Jens                  1AAB 67A2 1068 77CA 6B0A  41A4 18D4 A89B 28D0 F097

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