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Re: inappropriate racist and other offensive material

>>"Timothy" == Timothy R Butler <tbutler@uninetsolutions.com> writes:

 >> Similar to what another poster said, the day Debian starts censoring is the
 >> day I stop advocating Debian as a distro.

 Timothy>   I question whether it is censorship to remove and/or
 Timothy> seperate racist material from acceptable things. If someone
 Timothy> started to include X-rated pictures in Debian, does that
 Timothy> mean you would argue their right to do so because Debian
 Timothy> shouldn't censor?

	If the pictures w4ere legally distributable, yes, I would.

 Timothy>   There is a difference between basic QA and censorship,
 Timothy> IMO. On the one hand Quality Assurance/Control can filter
 Timothy> out stuff that is pure trash and of absolutely no value. On
 Timothy> the other hand, censorship would be filtering out something
 Timothy> that may be of value but someone deems they don't want. What
 Timothy> value does this so-called "joke" provide?

	QAS deals with technical issues. This ``joke'', while being
 distasteful to some, certainly does not detract from from the
 t4echnical abilities of the package. 

 Timothy> IMO, people are too worried about censorship when they admit
 Timothy> they find something very offensive, but still think it shold
 Timothy> be included in a Software Package. Can you see the field day
 Timothy> MS would have if they could download a few Debian packages
 Timothy> and say "See? All this Linux nuts are a bunch of racists!"
 Timothy> Would it be true? No. Would it appear that way to non-Linux
 Timothy> users? Quite possibly.

	I find vi offensive. Also the bible. And any package that
 mentions the word beef. Can we now purge Debian of all vi related
 packages, Please?

 wondering if he could get to decide what is offensive
 Weed--a plant whose virtues have yet to be discovered.  -- Ralph
 Waldo Emerson
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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