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How can I remove xdm?

Hi there,

I want remove xdm package so I'm not using it (I've remove all links related 
in all runlevels, but I don't need this using hard disk for more). But if I 
try an apt-get remove xdm it also removes x-window-system... why? I think 
this is a bit stupid...

Finally, I've removed it using dpkg instead of apt-get:

crom:~# dpkg --ignore-depends=xdm -r xdm

But I'm unsure about if this is a secure manner to do this kind of things... 
there's a voice whispering me that says when I use next apt-get to update or 
upgrade my system it'll install xdm again without my knowledge... O_o...

Anyway... the question is... Why x-window-system depends on xdm? XFree does 
not need xdm to work, moreover is that xdm needs XFree to do it.

Magical mystery machine...

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