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Re: CPAN and apt-get

On Sun, Mar 03, 2002 at 01:45:50AM -0800, Harry Putnam wrote:
> I wondered if there is a perferred way to handle aquiring perl
> modules?
> The CPAN interface shell that gets installed with perl provides a
> nifty way to search, download, install  most of what is on CPAN and
> can be enhanced with WAIT (a WAIS based search interface)
> All this is pretty easy to use and takes care of some of the work of
> finding and applying perl modules and packages.
> Seems like this would interfere to some extent with apt-get concepts of
> how to do things.

aside from dh-make-perl, which is the debian way of rolling
cpan/perl modules into the debian paradigm (or so i hear -- i've
not needed it yet) do

	apt-cache search 'lib.*perl' | grep -i 'module-name-here'

here's some ready-to-roll perl modules as shown on my potato
system via

	apt-cache search 'lib.*perl' | sort


	im - Internet Message
	leafnode - NNTP server for small leaf sites
	libalias-perl - Access perl variables through aliases
	libansicolor-perl - ANSI Color interface for Perl
	libapache-asp-perl - perl Apache::ASP - Active Server Pages for Apache with mod_perl.
	libapache-dbi-perl - Connect apache server to database via perl's DBI
	libapache-dbilogger-perl - Tracks what's being transferred in a DBI database
	libapache-filter-perl - perl Apache::Filter - Alter the output of previous handlers.
	libapache-mod-perl - Integration of perl with the Apache web server
	libapache-session-perl - Perl modules for keeping persistent user data across http requests.
	libapache-ssi-perl - perl Apache::SSI - Implement Server Side Includes in Perl.
	libauthen-pam-perl - This module provides a Perl interface to the PAM library.
	libbusiness-ups-perl - A UPS Interface Module for Perl
	libcdb-file-perl - Perl interface to Dan Berstein's cdb package.
	libcgi-extratags-perl - Useful Extensions for the CGI Module
	libcgi-fasttemplate-perl - perl module providing easy templates for cgi scripts
	libcgi-perl - modules for perl5, for use in writing CGI scripts.
	libcgi-pm-perl - perl CGI - Simple Common Gateway Interface Class.
	libcgi-xml-perl - Perl module to convert CGI.pm variables from/to XML
	libcgi-xmlform-perl - Extension of CGI.pm which reads/generates formatted XML
	libcompress-zlib-perl - Perl module for creation and manipulation of gzip files
	libconvert-ber-perl - Perl implementation of Basic Encoding Rules (BER)
	libcorba-orbit-perl - ORBit module for Perl
	libcoy-perl - Replace perl error messages with haiku
	libcurses-perl - Curses interface for Perl
	libdate-calc-perl - Perl library for accessing dates
	libdate-manip-perl - a perl library for manipulating dates
	libdbd-csv-perl - perl DBD::CSV - DBI driver for CSV files
	libdbd-mysql-perl - mySQL database interface for Perl
	libdbd-pg-perl - a PostgreSQL interface for Perl 5 using DBI.
	libdbi-perl - The Perl5 Database Interface by Tim Bunce
	libdbix-cgi-perl - CGI Extension for libdbix-easy-perl
	libdbix-easy-perl - Easy to Use DBI Interface
	libdelimmatch-perl - Perl Module to match delimited substrings
	libdevel-symdump-perl - Perl module for inspecting perl's symbol table
	libdigest-md5-perl - MD5 Message Digest for Perl
	libdockapp-dev - Window Maker's DockApp Making Standard Library
	liberror-perl - Exception module for Perl
	libfile-counterfile-perl - Persistent counter class for Perl
	libfile-sync-perl - Perl interface to sync() and fsync()
	libfile-tail-perl - File::Tail perl module
	libfilesys-diskspace-perl - fetch filesystem size and usage information from Perl
	libfinance-yahooquote-perl - Perl5 module for retrieving stock quotes from Yahoo! Finance
	libfreedb-perl - Handles FreeDB (lookalike of cddb) calls for disc-cover
	libft-perl - Perl module for the FreeType library
	libgd-perl - Perl gif-manipulation module module GD.pm
	libgdbm1 - GNU dbm database routines (runtime version). [libc5 compat]
	libgdbm1-altdev - GNU dbm database routines (development files) [libc5 compat]
	libgdbmg1 - GNU dbm database routines (runtime version). [libc6 version]
	libgeo-metar-perl - Geo::METAR, Accessing Aviation Weather Information with Perl
	libgifgraph-perl - perl GIFgraph - Graph Plotting Module for Perl 5.
	libgladexml-perl - Perl module for the libglade library.
	libgnome-gnorba-perl - Gnorba module for Perl
	libgnome-perl - Perl module for the gnome and zvt libraries.
	libgtk-imlib-perl - Perl module for the gdkimlib library.
	libgtk-perl - Perl module for the gtk+ library
	libgtkglarea-perl - Perl module for the gtkglarea library.
	libgtkxmhtml-perl - Perl module for the libgtkxmhtml library.
	libhtml-clean-perl - perl HTML::Clean - Cleans up HTML code for web browsers, not humans.
	libhtml-embperl-perl - Library for embedding perl in HTML
	libhtml-ep-perl - HTML::EP - a system for embedding Perl into HTML
	libhtml-format-perl - Format HTML syntax trees
	libhtml-mason-perl - HTML::Mason Perl module
	libhtml-parser-perl - A collection of modules that parse HTML text documents.
	libhtml-simpleparse-perl - perl HTML::SimpleParse - a bare-bones HTML parser.
	libhtml-tree-perl - represent and create HTML syntax trees
	libi18n-charset-perl - Perl module for mapping character set names to IANA names
	libi18n-langtags-perl - Perl module for dealing with RFC1766-style language tags
	libimage-size-perl - Tools for finding the size of an image under Perl
	libiniconf-perl - perl IniConf - A Module for reading .ini-style configuration files.
	libio-stringy-perl - Perl5 modules for IO from scalars and arrays
	libipc-signal-perl - utility functions dealing with signals for Perl
	libjcode-perl - Perl library for Japanese character code conversion
	libjcode-pm-perl - Perl extension interface to convert Japanese text
	libkpathsea-perl - Perl interface to Kpathsea library and mktex* replacements
	liblocale-codes-perl - Perl modules to process ISO two letter codes indicating language and country
	liblocale-gettext-perl - Using libc functions for internationalization in Perl
	liblocale-maketext-perl - Perl module supporting l10n and inheritance-based lexicons
	liblockdev1-perl - perl extension library for locking devices.
	liblogfile-rotate-perl - Perl module Logfile::Rotate
	libmail-cclient-perl - Interface to UW c-client library
	libmime-base64-perl - MIME/Base64 decoding for Perl
	libmime-perl - Perl5 modules for MIME-compliant messages (MIME-tools)
	libmldbm-perl - MLDBM perl module
	libmon-perl - mon Perl modules for clients and server
	libmpeg-mp3info-perl - perl MPEG::MP3Info - Manipulate / fetch info from MP3 audio files.
	libmsgcat-perl - Locale::Msgcat perl module
	libnet-dns-perl - Net::DNS is a Perl interface to the DNS resolver.
	libnet-finger-perl - Perl Module providing an API for Finger queries
	libnet-irc-perl - IRC (Internet Relay Chat) interface module for Perl
	libnet-ldap-perl - A Client interface to LDAP servers
	libnet-perl - Implementation of Internet protocols for Perl
	libnet-rawip-perl - Perl interface to lowlevel TCP/IP
	libnet-ssleay-perl - Perl module for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
	libnet-telnet-perl - Script telnetable connections
	libnet-whois-perl - Perl Module providing an API to access InterNIC whois database
	libnetwork-ipv4addr-perl - The Net::IPv4Addr perl module API and ipv4calc script
	libnews-nntpclient-perl - News::NNTPClient, Perl support for accessing NNTP servers
	libnewt-perl - Perl bindings for Erik Troan's newt text-mode windowing toolkit
	libnkf-perl - Network Kanji code conversion Filter for Perl
	libparse-recdescent-perl - Generates recursive-descent parsers in Perl
	libparse-yapp-perl - Per module to create Perl OO fully reentrant LALR parser modules
	libpcre1 - Philip Hazel's Perl Compatible Regular Expression library
	libpcre2 - Philip Hazel's Perl Compatible Regular Expression library
	libpgperl - Perl modules for PostgreSQL.
	libplot-perl - perl interface to plot library
	libpoe-perl0 - An event driven component architecture.
	libproc-syncexec-perl - spawn processes but report exec() errors properly
	libproc-waitstat-perl - interpret and act on wait() status values
	libprpc-perl - Perl extensions for writing pRPC servers and clients
	libroman-perl - Perl module for conversion between Roman and Arabic numerals
	librrdp-perl - Time-series data storage and display system (perl-piped)
	librrds-perl - Time-series data storage and display system (perl-shared)
	libsgmls-perl - Perl modules to process SGML parser output
	libsnmp-session-perl - Perl support for accessing SNMP-aware devices
	libsql-statement-perl - perl SQL::Statement - SQL parsing and processing engine
	libstatistics-descriptive-perl - Perl5 module of basic descriptive statistical functions.
	libstorable-perl - Storable extension for Perl5
	libstring-shellquote-perl - quote strings for passing through the shell
	libsufary-perl - Perl module for SUFARY.
	libterm-readkey-perl - Change terminal modes, and perform non-blocking reads
	libterm-readline-gnu-perl - Perl module to use GNU Readline library
	libterm-readline-perl-perl - Perl implementation of Readline libraries
	libtext-csv-perl - perl Text::CSV_XS - comma-separated values manipulation routines
	libtext-format-perl - Perl module to format (text) paragraphs
	libtext-template-perl - Text::Template perl module
	libtime-hires-perl - High-resolution time manipulation in perl
	libtime-modules-perl - Various Perl modules for time/date manipulation
	libtime-period-perl - Perl library for testing if a time() is in a specific period
	libtimedate-perl - Time and date functions for perl.
	libunicode-map8-perl - Perl module to map 8bit character sets to Unicode
	libunicode-string-perl - Perl modules for Unicode strings
	liburi-perl - Manipulates and accesses URI strings
	libwww-perl - WWW client/server library for Perl
	libwww-search-perl - Perl modules which provide an API to WWW search engines.
	libxbase-perl - Perl module to access xbase files (optionally through DBI).
	libxml-dom-perl - Perl extension to XML::Parser
	libxml-generator-perl - Perl module to help in generating XML documents
	libxml-grove-perl - Perl module providing access to parsed *ML instances
	libxml-node-perl - Perl module providing a node based XML parsing interface
	libxml-parser-perl - Perl extension interface to expat.
	libxml-perl - Collection of Perl modules for working with XML
	libxml-rss-perl - Perl module to manage RSS (RDF Site Summary) files.
	libxml-twig-perl - Perl module providing a tree interface to XML documents
	libxml-writer-perl - Perl module for writing XML documents
	libxmltok1 - XML Parser Toolkit, runtime libraries
	netcdf-perl - A perl extension for accessing netCDF datasets.
	netscape-zh-resource-475 - Netscape 4.75 Chinese resources.
	netscape-zh-resource-477 - Netscape 4.77 Chinese resources.
	perl-5.004 - Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and Report Language.
	perl-5.004-base - The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
	perl-5.005 - Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and Report Language.
	perl-5.005-base - The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
	perlmagick - A perl interface to the libMagick graphics routines.
	pgperl - perl interface to the pgplot plotting library
	pkg-order - A Package dependency checker and install ordering tool
	python-base - An interactive object-oriented scripting language.
	rplay - A fake transitional package.
	sgmls-doc - HTML documentation of libsgmls-perl and sgmlspl
	xbase - XFree86 upgrade convenience package

it's not the whole cpan archive, but it's a bunch, and they're
all ready for apt-get install. (there are some extraneous items
-- but this'll at least show you which perl modules are
available so you can get'm up and running.)

I use Debian/GNU Linux version 2.2;
Linux server 2.2.17 #1 Sun Jun 25 09:24:41 EST 2000 i586 unknown
DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #54 from Will Trillich <will@serensoft.com>
your own local copy and never worry about bandwidth again:
    apt-get install apache-doc
Then browse /usr/share/doc/apache/manual.html, quick like a

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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