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Re: Are debian packages linked against the latest libraries?

On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 02:19:49PM -0800, Liav Asseraf wrote:
> I'm not a debian user, but I have a question regarding
> the 'testing' and 'unstable' branches.
> Are the packages there dynamically linked against the
> latest versions of other packages?

Well, that depends...

> For example if I install today the current snapshot of
> the 'testing' branch. Then for 2 months I don't update
> (download) any packages. Then I find out vim 6.1 is
> out.
> In the meantime newer versions of glibc (say 2.2.5) 
> and perl (say 5.602) were released. Assuming vim
> (gvim)
> is dynamically linked against glibc and perl (though
> it
> doesn't need their latest version), will apt-get must
> download the newer versions of glibc and perl.

If you do `apt-get upgrade` or `apt-get dist upgrade` to update your
vim, then that will download and install the most recent versions of

If you use `apt-get install vim` (yeah, I know - vim is already
installed; to apt-get, "install" means "install latest version"),
it's a little more complex.  Packages can have dependencies on
specific versions of other packages, so, if glibc 2.2.4 added a new
function which vim 6.1 uses, then vim will depend on 'glibc (>=
2.2.4)'.  If you already have 2.2.4 or later installed, apt-get will
leave it alone; if you have 2.2.3, then it will be upgraded.

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