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Re: autofs

Hi, I tried it both, but it still does not work

I did:
cd /
mkdir mounted

then edited configs
here is my /etc/auto.master:
  /mounted /etc/auto.mnt --timout=5

here is my /etc/auto.mnt:
  floppy          -fstype=auto,umask=000          :/dev/fd0

/etc/init.d/autofs restart

cd ~elf
ln -s /mounted/floppy myfloppy

then inserted floppy disk and
cd myfloppy
the led on floppy drive went on, shell become frozen for few second and
then wrote "bash: cd: myfloppy: neither file nor directory

I thought that my floppy drive is broken, but no
fdformat /dev/fd0 and mkfs -t ext2 /dev/fd0 went fine ....

		Mirek Dobsicek

Alvin Oga wrote:

hi mirek, caleb

the mount point for autofs should be a directory NOT shared
by others... otherwise... some dirs might disappear for a few minutes

i like /.autofs  for anything autofs related
and /.amd  for anything amd related

and /mnt reserved for users/system to play with
	/.autofs	/etc/auto.floppy --timeout=60

sometimes floppy cannot be mounted by a user... other than root...
( different options seems to work for varying reasons...

/etc/auto.floppy # which ever works for you
	# floppy  -suid,user,fstype=auto   :/dev/fd0
	# floppy  umask=000,fstype=auto   :/dev/fd0

dont forget to restart autofs if you make changes
ln -s /.autofs/floppy /mnt/floppy   or /floppy

ls -ls /mnt/floppy should magically work

have fun linuxing

On 12 Feb 2002, Caleb Shay wrote:

Understabable.  I've found the autofs documentation to be a bit hard to
follow also, but I did eventually figure it out.  You can't have a mount
point of "/", so use something convenient like "/mnt", however, you can
then set up a symlink so that it looks like it's at /.  Try this:

In /etc/auto.master
/mnt	/etc/auto.mnt --timeout=5

In /etc/auto.mnt
floppy	-fstype=auto,sync	:/dev/fd0

ln -s /mnt/floppy /floppy

Then whenever you try to access /floppy it will automatically mount
/dev/fd0 on /mnt/floppy, but because of the symlink you can access it as
/floppy.  After 5 seconds of not trying to access /floppy (and not being
in the directory in any shell) it will unmount it.

The big confusion came to me because there are actually 2 man pages for
autofs, and the default one doesn't really explain the format of the
files.  Try "man 5 autofs".


On Tue, 2002-02-12 at 11:40, Mirek Dobsicek wrote:

Hi all,
I feel a bit lost in running autofs.

I've installed autofs package, compilled  autofs4 support into kernel
and hoped that now my /floppy becomes automounted, but no :-((

I read man pages from autofs and auto.master, but i'm too lame to
understand it. Please help me.

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