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Re: Package a single binary.

On Mon, Feb 11, 2002 at 05:50:19PM -0700, Blake Barnett wrote:
> I've actually built quite a few packages for Debian.  Just never a
> single binary.  All the tools want a complete source-tree to do so.

A .deb is constructed using a script (debian/rules) that does this:

  * Compile stuff, if appropriate.
  * Copy stuff into a temporary directory, usually debian/tmp or
  * Tar up the temporary directory and wrap it in a few other things to
    produce a .deb.

The simple tools might be a little confused without a source tree, but
you really don't need anything complicated.

For example, I've attached a completely untested debian/rules script
which is about as simple as it gets (though not policy-compliant yet).
You'll need a debian/control file as well, but there really isn't much
magic involved.

Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]
#!/usr/bin/make -f


	rm -rf *~ debian/tmp debian/*~ debian/files debian/substvars


	install -d debian/tmp debian/tmp/DEBIAN debian/tmp/usr/bin
	install -m 0644 myscript debian/tmp/usr/bin
	dpkg-gencontrol -isp
	chown -R root.root debian/tmp
	chmod -R g-ws debian/tmp
	dpkg --build debian/tmp

binary: binary-arch binary-indep

.PHONY: build clean binary-arch binary-indep binary

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