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Re: Arbitrarily setting From: header in Mutt

begin  csj  quotation:

> This is partly a test of my spanking new Mutt installation. So excuse me if
> some things like mail wrap fails.
> My question: how do I arbitrarily set the From: header in Mutt. I know about
> stuff like my_hdr and /etc/email-addresses. What I want to know is if
> there's a way to do it so I don't have to muck with the config files every
> time I want to send mail under a different persona, something like an
> addressbook for myself.
> Let's say I want to send two consecutive emails first as "fooman <fooman@chu.org>"
> and then as "chu <chu@fooman.org>".

Put this in your .muttrc:

  set edit_headers

Then you'll get to mangle the headers however you want every time you
edit a message.


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