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Re: localhost connection refused (SOLVED)

On 29 Jan 2002, Harold Bibik wrote:
> This was sent to me off the list but I wanted to post it
> so it might help someone else in the future:
> _____________________
> After a new woody installation a few months ago, I was unable to
> connect to localhost, but my ppp and mail services worked fine. After
> frustrating searches, I found this to be caused by a "loopback"
> problem.
> Check /etc/network/interfaces and see if it looks like:
> # Used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8). See the interfaces(5) manpage or
> # /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples for more information.
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> If not, maybe that's the problem.
> ___________________________
> that was the fix, adding those two lines to etc/network/interfaces
> did the trick

I have this already, and telnet localhost still doesn't work. Perhaps I
need to explore the man page further.


Anthony Campbell - running Linux GNU/Debian (Windows-free zone)
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