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Re: Debian, FHS & /floppy

On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 10:48:58PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote (1.00):
> at lilo: linux root=/dev/sdb1

True enough.  If you use grub, then it's even less of a problem.

> if sda just moved to sdb. you need to boot anyway, and once you made it
> to the prompt, you change lilo.conf (sorry, left that out in my
> extensive list...). if you know about the swap, you can even install a
> new MBR with lilo before you take it down, add the hardware, and off
> you go.

I wasn't claiming that you couldn't work around the bug, I was simply
claiming that MS isn't the only source of this kind of bug.

> but linux handles it so much more gracefully if you have a capable
> admin.

True.  But passing commandline args and editing fstab is still annoying
behavior... ideally, if I had a new disk and reboot, _nothing_ should
change with respect to my old disks.

> curious: can you have 27 SCSI disks? what's the 27th called?

I don't think the limit is alphabetical, but if it where, I'd imagine
you could name it sdaa, sdab, sdac, etc.  However, hopefully devfs will
be useable by then, so you wouldn't have this dilemma.  :)


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