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Re: little procmail help please...

On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 11:11:49PM -0600, Adam Majer wrote:
> How can I filter the mail spool with procmail everytime I run my mail software so that then my spool gets sorted by
> procmail and not when the messages get initially delivered. [my server doesn't have access to /home directories]

If you're using aan mbox spool (all messages in file), then you can
use this simple command (from /usr/share/doc/procmail/QuickStart) to
filter your mail whenever you want:

cat <spool_file> | formail -s procmail

Of course, you'll have to make sure that none of your procmail rules
try to deliver mail back into the spool file (from whence they just
came, otherwise you'll be screwed.


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