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Re: kernel-package and moving the old vmlinuz

>>"Paul" == Paul Mackinney <paul@mackinney.net> writes:

 Paul> I've successfully installed several kernel's in the past using your 
 Paul> (excellent) README file, but I've just spent 3 days unsuccessfully
 Paul> trying to boot from a newly compiled kernel package. Turns out that I
 Paul> had to add the --initrd flad to the the make-kpkg command:

 Paul>   $Get_Root make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 --initrd kernel_package

 Paul> Without this, when booting from the new kernel it would fail with an
 Paul> error 

 Paul>   VFS: Cannot open root device "308" or 03:08

 Paul> immediately followed by a kernel panic. Assuming that I'm not totally 
 Paul> off-base, can you add this to the README?

	Hmm. I think I know what is going on here, but just to make
 sure I am not totally off base here: You have instructed your boot
 loader to expect an initrd kernel (and that is required to load the
 newer official kernel images), and were trying to build an ordinary
 kernel image, correct?

	Yessss. This inconsistency between the boot loader and the new
 kernel image is most unpleasant.

	I'll add a note to the problems file, as well as a cautionary
 note to the README. (incidentally, I prefer not to use initrd
 kernels, since I often add third party modules after the fact, and
 not having these in the modules in the ram disk has bitten me once
 too often).

 Paul> THANKS to Daniel Freedman <freedman@ccmr.cornell.edu> for pointing out
 Paul> the solution in his reply to a thread titled  "kernel complaint". I've 
 Paul> seen at least one other post to this list where it looks like this was 
 Paul> an issue, see the thread titled "Kernel Panic" by  "Mike Kuhar" 
 >> mikek147@mediaone.net>.

 "You are old, Father William," the young man said, "All your papers
 these days look the same; Those William's would be better unread --
 Do these facts never fill you with shame?"  "In my youth," Father
 William replied to his son, "I wrote wonderful papers galore; But the
 great reputation I found that I'd won, Made it pointless to think any
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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