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funny bug in vim 6

typing a message to dman yesterday, i stumbled upon something funny. i
have my vim set to wrap at 70 characters:

  set columns=80
  set nowrap
  set wrapmargin=10
  set textwidth=0
  set wrapscan

(not sure which onees are relevant, and which ones i left out.)

this beautifully works, this email is an example.

however, when i start out a line with a variable name, like so:

$HOME for instance, then vim forgets about its intentions to wrap and will just keep going.

oops. it doesn't work if the variable name is lowercase, or if there is
no $. moreover, it's really hard to reproduce. but it happens every now
and then.

just thought i'd let you know :_)
ii  vim            6.0.093-2      Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
> is there anything else i can contribute?
the latitude and longitude of the bios writers'
current position, and a ballistic missile.
                                                           -- alan cox

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