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Re: persistent keyboard problems

on Tue, 15 Jan 2002 10:52:29AM +0100, marTin insinuated:
> xset from the console (manually) works?


> xset in .xsession, and executed from the console works?

insofar as it executes the command &&ed after it, yes.  but it doesn't
set the rate when called in .xsession.

> xset in .xsession, and sourced from the console works?

see above -- same problems.

> xset in .xsession during session start works?

see problems above -- &&ed echo command just gets stuck into
~/.xsession-errors, but it doesn't set the keyboard rate.

> in general, what's .xsession-errors say?

a lot of crap.  having rm'd the entire file, running .xsession creates
the following ~/.xsession-errors file:

orange:~> cat .xsession-errors
keyboard rate set
xscreensaver-command: throttled.

Identity added: /home/nori/.ssh/identity (nori@orange)
/usr/bin/WindowMaker warning: WMRootMenu:invalid kbd shortcut
specification "Control+Meta+Backslash" for entry exit

i've got the lines that should be setting the keyboard rate first, but
even though they seem to be working, the passphrase that i enter right
after it is sensitive to aaaaa's and ssssss's, obviously *not* having
set the keyboard rate.

~/.xsession looks like the following, if that helps at all:

orange:~> cat .xsession

xset r rate 255 80 && echo "keyboard rate set"

/usr/X11R6/bin/xset b 0 &
/usr/X11R6/bin/xset r rate 100 255 &
/usr/bin/X11/xrmdb &
test -f ~/.Xdefaults && /usr/X11R6/bin/xrdb ~/.Xdefaults
test -f ~/.Xresources && /usr/X11R6/bin/xrdb ~/.Xresources

/usr/bin/xscreensaver &
(sleep 5 && /usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -throttle) &

/usr/bin/ssh-agent ~/bin/x-ssh-clients

/usr/bin/X11/xset +fp $HOME/lib/fonts
xset fp rehash




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