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Re: Debian Vs RedHat

--On Saturday, January 12, 2002 13:03:27 -0800 "Karsten M. Self" <kmself@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

LDS indicates /etc/{init,rc}.d, so RH is coming around to the standard.

Mind you, when I try explaining this to my RH friends, there's generally
strong resistence to the concept that Dweebian might have got this one

That's certainly one thing I don't like about RH. RH users have this windows mindset where RH has the marketshare so everything they do must be the right way to do it.

The first time I used RH was around 3.03 or something. I know it was well before 2.x kernels. I think the first time I used Linux was Slackware, since I remember lots of floppies with Sets like A,B, etc. RH was later. I also used some odd variant that was nice because it used loadlin and ran off umsdos. It was an easy way to get into things. Caldera Network Desktop was when I first decided that this Linux thing was worthwhile. :-) Then I discovered Debian and I keep coming back to it. I started with buzz, so it's been a while.

I have always had this feeling of "this is the way it should be done" when using Debian. There's much less of the "What the hell is this? Why did they do that? Who decided to do this?" feeling I get from working with some other distros. :-)

SuSe would probably be my second choice for a distro since the developers seem to have their sh*t together. But it's still RPM-based and I find that annoying (although nice if you have to use commercial software).

I'm currently using Libranet and it seems pretty well done. It's basically potato with a 2.4.3 kernel and Xfree 4.

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